We’ve been dating for a few months. The Guy and I watched 8mm, another Cage movie. But I wasn’t really paying attention. It had Joaquin Phoenix in it and so that was depressing, because his brother River died. The Guy told me it just happens. I told The Guy I thought River Phoenix was hot and he told me he liked boys with “death in their eyes” — he probably thinks that sounds cool and mysterious. Ha. When I asked what that meant, The Guy laughed and said nevermind, I was too young to understand. I haven’t told anyone yet, but I’m moving in with The Guy after Christmas. Dad won’t know. I’m going to pack, then leave early in the morning. The Guy told me he has a new place in the suburbs. I’ve never lived in the suburbs before. The Guy said it’ll just be us. I keep dreaming about living a cute domestic life. Maybe I should’ve been a wife? People treat you nicer if you’re like that.